Being a Tech2Empower Advisor

Tech2Empower Advisors have the unique opportunity to:

  • Work in teams to coach and co-create (systems, strategies, plans, digital collateral) with local women-led social enterprises.

  • Learn about women's entrepreneurship directly from leaders in the field.

  • Mentor young women and girls in careers, leadership, and tech.

  • Build meaningful connections with like-minded women working locally and internationally.

  • Learn about local history, visit landmarks, and participate in cultural enrichment activities.

  • Discover new technology, training, communications, and leadership skills from your fellow Advisors and local participants.

A look back at Impact from Tech2Empower USA Spring 2021

accessos team photo.png

San Francisco, California

Gabriella Wong founded AccesSOS to help the millions of people who can't access 911 because they are unable to hear or speak out loud in a language recognized by emergency operators. During Tech2Empower, Gabriella worked with a team of Advisors from Google and Microsoft to prepare for a major launch into a new market. Together they worked to design a detailed roll-out plan and build a social media outline to reach users that would benefit from the technology. One Advisor collaborated directly with the engineers and computer science team to troubleshoot aspects of the app and build up prototypes for updated location services.

"The major takeaway from this program is that there are people in the industry, powerful women, that have these amazing roles in their companies and are willing to help under-resourced organizations like us because they believe in our mission." 

-Gabriella Wong, Tech2Empower participant, AccesSOS

“Tech2Empower is one of the best ways for tech workers to discover and volunteer with incredible nonprofits doing meaningful work in their communities. That we get to use our professional skills makes it even more impactful.”

— Shradha Balkrishnan, Uber